About Nature Spirits/Elementals and How They Can Bless Your Life

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Obtain your Own Magical Nature Spirit

 Bernadette's family has been working with and assisting the elementals for over 40 years. Her own personal experience began when she was a young adult living in Latigo Canyon in Malibu. She tended the gardens of Mr. McCoy and had the honor of working under one of his horticulturists, an elderly British woman from Africa, who taught her about the Nature Spirits in the area.

Here are some of the benefits from Bernadette's personal and family experiences, as well as Doreen Virtue's book, "Fairies 101".


Benefits of Having Elemental Friends


    *Help with concerns or problems.

*Protect and heal animals, plants

*Help find things, or assist you in getting a job, or a home etc

*Assist you in attracting and creating your desires.

*Bring you good fortune and blessings.


In Doreen Virtue's book she mentions there are Kings and Queens in the Fairy Realm. They help to organize and oversee the fairies. They have a god-like qualities and usually specialize in certain areas.


Bernadette had the honor of meeting Queen Fiona, who is now part of her elemental network. Have a session where you can obtain your own magical Nature Spirit(s).








Listen to Bernadette's Story on the Elementals